Spring Saturday

This morning, Richard worked as usual and since I was not feeling 100% I stole away while the kids played happily together. When I plan to do nothing but read as the kids are playing outside, I sit on Judah’s bed and lean up against the window, watching and listening to the sounds of children at play. In such moments, the world is at peace. Judah wasn’t feeling well either so eventually he came inside, crawled onto his bed with me and slowly fell asleep. Since I couldn’t move anyways, I continued reading. Precious moments like that will not continue forever. I almost feel bad that I got nothing done today, but reading is work too, right? Even if it’s fiction. Well, to be fair (to myself) I did bake bread and contemplated doing some Latin. I even carried the Latin reader around the house with me – almost the same as reading it, right?

When Richard got home in the early afternoon, we had lunch and decided to take the kids to the park across town to shake things up a bit. There is a large playground up by church on Jesus Green equipped with a fenced-in toddler playground, various other swings and things and two pirate ships attached together with a rope ladder/lookout thingy (the crow’s nest, for those up on their pirate lingo), which captivated Judah’s attention for most of the afternoon. He even made it all the way up and back down by himself, and to my dismay continued to do so over and over again. I suppose it had to happen… though it’s nice when they just stay on the ground. Considering everything, we only had to get up and save him a couple times and of course make the obligatory rounds to make sure they were all still well. So Richard and I spent an idyllic afternoon reading in the grass on a blanket while the kids played happily. We only just returned now. Even now there’s beautiful evening light streaming through the windows. Everyone is happy. God is good. Cambridge is not so bad.

Time to get some work done. Dinner needs making, kids need bathing, the day needs to come to an end. Goodnight.



all hanging out

all hanging out

crows nest

crows nest

ships ahoy!

ships ahoy!

My tired baby

My tired baby

Norah dancing with cherry blossoms.

Norah dancing with cherry blossoms.


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3 responses to “Spring Saturday

  1. Natasha

    It does sound like an idyllic Saturday! I’d take it. 😊
    Love to you all!

  2. Hello Oosterhoffs! Glad you are having a good time there. But you may come back to South Bend now. πŸ™‚

  3. “Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up we’ve learned to our sorrow; so quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep.” πŸ™‚ Loved seeing you guys the other day. xxoo!

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